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Помогите Как добавить разные сессии в мини-игру(Village defnse)

Тема в разделе "Помощь", создана пользователем Jotyu, 27 фев 2021.

  1. Автор темы

    Jotyu Новичок

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Добрый день! Столкнулся с проблемой, когда делал мини-игру (Village defense), дело в том что нужно сделать, так чтобы создавались разные сессии, как бы, то есть минимальное кол-во игроков равно одному, чтобы началась игра и игра запуститься, но как сделать так чтобы весь сервер не ждал окончания этой игры. Сам плагин: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/village-defense-1-11-1-16.41869/. Конфиг :
    # VillageDefense configuration file
    # You can edit here the basic things of VD
    # Please read everything CAREFULLY!
    # You don't want to break anything, do you?

    # Select locale of VillageDefense, default it's English.
    # Available locales:
    # default - English language. Uses 'language.yml'.
    # de - Deutsche sprache pl - Język polski
    # es - Idioma español id - Bhasa Indonesia
    # fr - Langue française vn - Tiếng việt
    # hu - Magyar nyelv cn - 简体中文
    # ro - Limba română cs - Český jazyk
    # pt_br - Português Brasileiro lt - Lietuvių kalba
    # it - Lingua italiana ru - Русский язык
    # kr - Korean nl - Dutch
    # zh - Chinese (Traditional)
    locale: default

    # Enable bossbar support?
    Bossbar-Enabled: true

    # Should we hook into bungee cord? (If you wanna use arena per server option)
    # You STILL need to use external addon for HUB server game signs
    # Check here for more info: https://wiki.plugily.xyz/minecraft/villagedefense/addons.php#bungee-signs-not-official
    BungeeActivated: true

    # Should we hook into Holograpic Displays? (If you wanna use (leaderboard)holograms)
    # You will be able to create holograms
    HologramsActivated: true

    # Should we add support for upgradeable Wolves and Golems in game?
    # Configure upgrades pricing in entity_upgrades.yml after enabling it.
    UpgradesActivated: false

    # Enable Inventory Manager for your games? (VERY USEFUL feature for MULTI ARENA)
    # This saves inventory of players and restores it after player leaves arena.
    # Saved elements: max health, health, food, experience, full inventory, armor contents, fire ticks, active potions
    InventoryManager: true

    # Respawn players when wave ends/starts?
    Respawn-After-Wave: true

    # Should player be able that join on ingame stage to respawn after wave?
    # Default: true
    InGame-Join-Respawn: true

    # You can create custom players permissions here.
    # Player with your custom permission will get % bonus orbs
    # when he lift up experience from killed zombie.
    # More here: https://wiki.plugily.xyz/minecraft/villagedefense/cmds_and_perms.php#custom-permissions
    # Player with permission my-permission-one get 10% more orbs
    # Do not use dots (.), they won't work.
    my-permission-one: 10

    # Basic permissions for game, permissions explained here: https://wiki.plugily.xyz/minecraft/villagedefense/cmds_and_perms.php#basic-permissions
    Full-Games-Permission: "villagedefense.fullgames"
    Vip-Permission: "villagedefense.vip"
    Mvp-Permission: "villagedefense.mvp"
    Elite-Permission: "villagedefense.elite"
    # <arena> represents arena name (NOT MAP NAME!), for example: 'villagedefense.join.VD02'
    # use 'villagedefense.join.*' to enable access to all arenas
    Join-Permission: "villagedefense.join.<arena>"

    # Should /vd leave command be blocked?
    Disable-Leave-Command: false

    # Commands which can be used in game, remove all of them to disable
    - me
    - help

    # Should we enable short commands such as /start and /leave
    Enable-Short-Commands: true

    # Enable this option when you're using MySQL, otherwise it won't work.
    # Be careful when changing this because there is NO migrator between
    # flat file and MySQL for player stats.
    DatabaseActivated: false

    # How many seconds game should take to start.
    Starting-Waiting-Time: 45

    # Time before next wave starts
    Cooldown-Before-Next-Wave: 30

    # Speed of baby zombie. Suggested: between 1.8 and 2.0
    Mini-Zombie-Speed: 2.0

    # Speed of normal zombies. Suggested: between 1.2 and 1.4
    Zombie-Speed: 1.3

    # Enable in game rewards? See rewards.yml for more...
    Rewards-Enabled: false

    # Enable in game (eg. '[KIT][LEVEL] Plajer: hey') special formatting?
    # Formatting is configurable in language.yml
    # You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders in chat format!
    ChatFormat-Enabled: true

    # Should we disable all chat related stuff?
    # It will disable the separated chat, for example
    Disable-Separate-Chat: false

    # Amount of orbs given to player when game starts
    Orbs-Starting-Amount: 20

    # Should we block every not Village Defense associated commands in game?
    Block-Commands-In-Game: true

    # Should we fire some cool fireworks at location of every player after the game ends?
    Firework-When-Game-Ends: true

    # Should blocks behind game signs change their color based on game state?
    # They will change color to:
    # - white (waiting for players) stained glass
    # - yellow (starting) stained glass
    # - orange (in game) stained glass
    # - gray (ending) stained glass
    # - black (restarting) stained glass
    Signs-Block-States-Enabled: true

    # Limit of mobs can be spawned per player in-game
    # Will affect only buying them in in-game shop
    Wolves-Spawn-Limit: 20
    Golems-Spawn-Limit: 15

    # Can the players buy again iron golems or wolves if these
    # entities died? The config limit and permission will be ignored.
    Players-Can-Buy-GolemsWolves-If-They-Died: false

    # Should holiday events for Village Defense be enabled?
    # Eg. 4 days before and 4 days after Halloween special effects
    # for death and zombies will be applied, spooky!
    Holidays-Enabled: true

    # Enable very simple health bar for zombies?
    # They will have health instead of their names
    # It will show percentage of health left.
    # It's kinda buggy, you should use external plugin if you got one.
    Simple-Zombie-Health-Bar-Enabled: true

    # Power ups section. If you want to have classic Village Defense game mode I recommend to disable this.
    # Do you want to enable in-game power ups?
    # This will make zombies drop some power ups when they're killed
    # REQUIRES Holographic Displays otherwise it won't be enabled!
    Enabled: true
    # Modify powerup drop chance here
    Drop-Chance: 1.0 # 1% chance by default
    # Enable or disable specific power ups here.
    Map-Clean: true
    Enabled: true
    Time: 15 # seconds
    Enabled: true
    Amplifier: 1
    Time-Of-Healing: 10 # seconds
    # Spawns X golems in village
    # Owner of golems is person who picked up power up
    Enabled: true
    Golems-Amount: 3
    # Every zombie can be killed for one hit
    Enabled: true
    Time: 15 # seconds

    # Should game have finite amount of waves
    Enabled: true
    # Limit of waves, if this wave ends game will end
    Limit: 25

    # Title times specified in game ticks: fade in, stay, fade out

    Times: "20, 30, 20"
    Title: ""
    SubTitle: ""

    Times: "20, 30, 20"
    Title: ""
    SubTitle: ""

    #After how many zombies should we limit them?
    #Once limit is reached zombies get more health so it's still harder each wave
    Zombies-Limit: 75

    #Active after zombies limit is reached
    #Higher value means weaker zombies
    Zombie-Multiplier-Divider: 18

    # Should we check for updates on plugin start/after admin join?
    # You REALLY should have this true!
    Enabled: true
    # Should we inform you when beta version is out?
    Notify-Beta-Versions: true

    #Disable Party features of external party plugins (such as PAF, Parties ...)
    Disable-Parties: false

    # Don't modify.
    Version: 15

    # No way! You've reached the end! But... where's the dragon!?

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