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PSA: Major API breakages over the last month

Тема в разделе "Официальные новости Sponge", создана пользователем RuBukBot, 1 мар 2016.

  1. Автор темы

    RuBukBot Робот RuBukkit Модератор

    PSA: Major API breakages over the last month
    @gabizou wrote:

    We're nearing the end of the alpha phase, and that means "get all API breaking necessary changes done". Fortunately, the community has been helpful with not only notifying staff of bugs, but also willing to work with these plugin breaking changes and provide feedback. I know this hasn't been done before, but I feel it necessary to not only notify plugin developers, but server owners that their plugins are more than likely not cease functioning after X changes.

    To summarize the recent breaking changes:
    - Humanoid events have been moved
    - Removed GameEvent
    - Removed CauseTracked, all Events have a Cause
    - Cause is never empty.
    - WorldGeneration API Phase 1 has been merged
    - Explosion is now immutable
    - Additions to NamedCause for usability
    - ignoreCancelled removed from @Listener with Event Filtering added
    - DataManager added in favor of multiple smaller managers related to Data API
    - Services cleanup. All "services" can and will be replaceable. Managers are non-replaceable

    All of these changes equate to the API being cleaner overall and we're slowing down on the breakages pending the 3.0 release.

    Note: As of current writing, SpongeForge build 930 is the first build with ALL of the above changes. Server owners and plugin developers should consider plugins having been developed for SpongeForge before build 930 no longer functioning and need updating.

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    Participants: 7

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