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Помогите Skinrestorer сбрасывает скины

Тема в разделе "Помощь", создана пользователем viktorbrentsov, 28 окт 2020.

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    viktorbrentsov Новичок Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Доброго дня

    Стоит СкинРест на BC

    Конфиг плагина
    # If true, players can change skins without permission.
    # see https://github.com/SkinsRestorer/SkinsRestorerX/wiki/cmds-&-perms for perms.
    SkinWithoutPerm: false

    # Players cooldown when changing skins (set to 0 to disable)
    # SkinErrorCooldown when a error or invalid url occurs.
    # Can be bypassed with 'skinsrestorer.bypasscooldown'
    SkinChangeCooldown: 0
    SkinErrorCooldown: 0

    # Customization #

    # Enable or disable default skins
    # ApplyForPremium: false will only put skin on skinless/steve players.
    # If there is more than one, the plugin will choose a random one.
    # [?] Does support Custom & url.png skin, read SkinFile Generator below [?]
    # [!] url.png wont work on join for bungee, see https://github.com/SkinsRestorer/SkinsRestorerX/issues/315 [!]
    Enabled: true
    ApplyForPremium: true
    - a4r2t6g0
    - b0n2e0t5
    - b3t4j8t9
    - c1v2f8w6
    - d2h0t1y3
    - m1k6l2i8
    - q1d2r3g4
    - r9t4g1a3
    - a6e5r8t9
    - t0g1f2q9
    - t0g3t1y5
    - t0y1f3d4
    - t1f0t3q9
    - t1y0h3g4
    - t4y1c2v6
    - t5g3s0f1
    - v0b0n3h1
    - y2u3i0w1
    - z3m1n5m5

    # Skins in this list will be disabled, so users can't set it.
    # Can by bypassed with 'skinsrestorer.bypassdisabled'
    Enabled: false
    - Steve
    - Owner

    # Custom list for the /skins GUI.
    # ShowOnlyCustomGUI will only show CustomGUI.Names in the gui
    Enabled: false
    ShowOnlyCustomGUI: false
    - xknat
    - McLive
    - red_astro
    - stigond

    # Advanced #

    # Allows the usage of per skin perm.
    # Example: skinsrestorer.skin.xknat OR skinsrestorer.skin.McLive
    # with "skinsrestorer.ownskin" you can set your own playername skin.
    PerSkinPermissions: false

    # Time skins are stored in database before we request again (in minutes)
    SkinExpiresAfter: 15

    # Multi-Bungee support
    # Enable this if you have issues with skins in multi-proxy environments
    # If your using bungee and you have the plugin in all spigot servers and it still does not work, turn this on.
    # (This is automatically enabled if you have RedisBungee)
    Enabled: false

    # Settings for MySQL skin storage (recommended for big BungeeCord networks)
    # [!] IF YOU USE BUNGEE, DO NOT ENABLE MYSQL in Spigot Config.yml [!]
    # [!] non root users: MySQL 8's new default authentication is not supported, use mysql_native_password [!]
    Enabled: false
    Host: localhost
    Port: 3306
    Database: db
    Username: root
    Password: pass
    SkinTable: 'Skins'
    PlayerTable: 'Players'
    ConnectionOptions: verifyServerCertificate=false&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC

    # <!! Warning !!>
    # Enabling this will stop SkinsRestorer to change skins on join.
    DisableOnJoinSkins: false

    # Enable or disable the updater.
    Enabled: false
    PeriodicChecks: false

    # Stop the process of setting a skin if the LoginEvent was canceled by an AntiBot plugin
    NoSkinIfLoginCanceled: false

    # Compatibility #

    # True will again make use of the 'HELP_PLAYER' & `SR_LINE` in messages.yml
    # This is more customizable, but at the cost of permission specific help.
    UseOldSkinHelp: false

    #Ignore messages.yml 'PREFIX ='
    DisablePrefix: false

    # DEV's corner #

    # Enable to start receiving debug messages about api request & more.
    Debug: false

    Загружаю SKIN-файлы в спец папку
    И вписываю в конфиг 20 скинов, которые по дефолту ставятся игрокам при заходе
    Какое-то время все ок, но через неск часов скин-файлы стираются и заменяются никами игроков (по 200+ шт удаляю)
    Не пойму, почему они туда записываются...

    Как сделать использование только стандартных устаноленных скинов, и тех что загружаются из GUI по URL?
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